Thursday, December 11, 2008

I listen to.....

Leona Lewis when I need courage

Jay Chou when I flashback about the past

And Jay Chou again for cheering me up

Ashlee Simpson when I’m upset

HSM, DBSK, Big Bang when I’m happy

Big Bang when I’m doin assigment

Err….some more watelse……

No more ideas…well, tis how music influences our mood…hahah…I nth to do…. :p

Msg from within''

feeling kinda down now....dunno y....maybe emotional disturbed due to lack of sleep.
>To my dearest, I hope u can be there when i nid matter wat happens...u sleeping or watever...I hope u be there for me...catch me when i fall.

My new doggy....but for 2 weeks only...I totally miss her, so adorable!!!! I hope the new owner knows how to take care of her... :(